Meet Jilly, Earth’s representative in the Galactic Command Committee. When a large piece of space debris mysteriously changes course and threatens the planet Korlan, she is summoned to a briefing aboard the Galactic Command Station. But as her alien partner Phil steps through a wormhole and into her bedroom, he finds her occupied with a new boyfriend, Jake. They must drag Jake along despite the sensitive nature of what he’ll see aboard the station and hope he won’t get into too much trouble while they’re sent off to save Korlan. However, this mission will be anything but ordinary, and before it’s over, Jilly will have to survive the greatest danger she’s ever encountered.
Price: 99¢ (eBook)
Available at: Amazon US - Amazon UK
Jilly of Earth in "The Abduction Blues" (Jilly of Earth #2)
When Jilly and Jake decide to get away for the weekend, they have no idea how far their trip will actually take them. Abducted by the malicious aliens known as the Greys, they are held ransom until the Galactic Command Committee agrees to release several Grey prisoners. But if anything goes wrong, the Greys will avoid capture at all costs, even if it means crashing the ship and killing everyone aboard.
Price: 99¢ (eBook)
Available at: Amazon US - Amazon UK
Available at: Amazon US - Amazon UK
Jilly of Earth in "The Abduction Blues" (Jilly of Earth #2)
When Jilly and Jake decide to get away for the weekend, they have no idea how far their trip will actually take them. Abducted by the malicious aliens known as the Greys, they are held ransom until the Galactic Command Committee agrees to release several Grey prisoners. But if anything goes wrong, the Greys will avoid capture at all costs, even if it means crashing the ship and killing everyone aboard.
Price: 99¢ (eBook)
Available at: Amazon US - Amazon UK
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